Why do people make websites? Usually it's either to sell a product or impart information. So do you need a website? A website is a good idea for anyone with a product to sell. In my case, I'm selling my articles (or at least links to them). Writers can use their website to showcase their writing ability and share their work with others.

So how do you create a website for cheap (or in this case free)? Weebly is one good option. Weebly is an online website designer that allows you to drag and drop features onto your website. You don't need html knowledge to use Weebly.

Some positive aspects of using Weebly is they have integrated Google Adsense. So you can sign up and drag and drop the icon to your page. The bad part is, you give them a percentage of your earnings. Its more profitable to simply drag a "custom html" icon down and copy and paste it there.

There are a few downsides to using Weebly. Specifically, their website times out and locks up frequently. Also, at the bottom of your website will be the phrase "Create a new website with Weebly". You can get rid of this but you have to pay to do it. You can upgrade your account to one that has features such as password protection and removing that phrase but you will have to pay for it.

  • 1 Sign up for Weebly. You can access their website at www.weebly.com.

  • 2 You need to decide about your domain name. You can get a free one from weebly that will have their name in it. For instance, before I bought my domain, the weebly domain I had was neuroticscribe.weebly.com. The other option is to go to a website such as godaddy.com and purchase your own domain. Weebly has excellent help tutorials on how to forward your domain to their website.

    • 3   Once you have your domain name and account set up you will want to go through the technical aspects of setting up your account. Under the Settings tab you will want to give your website a name, any keywords and a description of your website. You can also install the Google Analytics code here and the Google Webmaster verification code here.

    • 4  Once all the technical stuff is done, you want to go about making your website functional and pretty. Weebly comes with preset themes. If you know any CSS, you can alter those themes. Pick one that works for you. Depending on the theme you pick, you can drag and drop a copy of your logo or a picture into the header of your webpage.

    • 5  Start making pages. To do this go to the tab at the top that says "Pages". Click add page and name it. You can then start dragging and dropping items onto your page to create the structure and information of your page. A few items that Weebly uses are paragraphs, paragraphs with titles and photos, dividing lines, polls, contact forms, adsense, columns, and many more options.


              Tips & Warnings
    • Use Google's free tools to market your website; Google Analytics, AdSense, Webmaster Tools, etc.

    • In order to make tables in Weebly you have to use the column function and insert columns inside other columns. For example if you want one row with three cells drag a 2 column icon down and then drag another 2 column icon inside the first one.

    • Save and Publish often. Weebly likes to crash sometimes.

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